Glass Fiber Fire Blanket
1.8mt x 1.8mt
100 % Glass fibre
Heat resistant, light duty fire blanket - designed to extinguish small incident fires.
Protects human lives and equipment from fire.
Withstands temperatures reaching 550°C
Supplied in a red, clearly marked bag that can be hung on nearby walls for quick access.
Suitable for:
Household kitchen fires (oven and stove)
Extinction of fire on clothing
Catering establishments / restaurants
Training centers
Hospitals and nursing facilities
Garage and workshops
Retail outlets
Flammable liquid cans
Cinema projection rooms
Office Buildings
To extinguish small fires in the home, caravan, boat or garage.
Can also be used to wrap around a person whose clothes have caught alight
Fire blankets are not designed for reuse. They should be disposed of after use and replaced.